Bills that would have capped rent increases to CPI or 7%, whichever is lower failed to pass out of the Senate and House prior to the “house of origin cutoff.” By not passing the floor, these bills have stalled and are extremely unlikely to pass this year. Continue Reading
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HB 1124, which would have required 180 notice was placed on the House Floor Calendar for a vote, but eventually failed to pass when it wasn’t brought up prior the “origin of house” cutoff. Continue Reading
Over 80 WMFHA members joined WMFHA staff, the Board of Directors, and our lobbyists for an exciting and fruitful day on the hill in Olympia. Continue Reading
The two bills, one House and one Senate, that would have removed the state preemption on town, city and county rent control failed to pass out of their first committee of referral. Continue Reading
WMFHA Government Affairs Director Ryan Makinster and WMFHA member, Kevin Weishaar, VP, Mercy Housing Management Group testified before the Senate Housing Committee on the Security Deposit acceptance and return process at the request of the Chairwoman, Senator Patty Kuderer. Continue Reading
On March 13, the Bellingham City Council passed an ordinance that requires all rent increases to be preceded by a 120 day notification. Continue Reading
We don’t have a rent problem; we have a supply problem. Due to decades of increasing regulation, artificially constrained land supply and ever-increasing inefficiencies in permitting, the creation of units has not kept up with demand. In fact, the WA Dept of Commerce recently estimated that... Continue Reading
Although less onerous, but still very detrimental to our industry, several “tenant protection” bills have also been filed with some already having been heard and moved out of committee. HB 1074 (Moved out of Housing Committee on a party line vote after amendment to statute of... Continue Reading
As you are probably aware there are several bills that although euphemistically labeled “Rent Stabilization” are, in fact, rent control. Three bills, HB 1388, HB 1389, and SB 5435 all attempt to create a statewide cap on rent increase. HB 1625 and SB 5615, the nuclear option, would... Continue Reading
This measure would create the “Seattle Social Housing Developer” as a public development authority (PDA) to develop, own and maintain social housing in Seattle, with all the powers available to PDAs under local and state law. Social housing means publicly owned and financed... Continue Reading
On Januarary 25, the White House announced a new plan to protect renters and promote affordability. NAA participated in a White House call previewing the Administration’s blueprint for advancing a “renter’s bill of rights,” an explicit campaign promise from President... Continue Reading
Although, now officially a lame duck, Seattle City Council Member Kshama Sawant led a discussion on legislation limiting late fees at the January 20 “Sustainability and Renters Rights Committee. (video)” Pointing to a need to protect renters without providing data or even a proposed... Continue Reading