The Governor released official Fitness and Training COVID-19 Guidance on Wednesday night. The Guidance describes reopening of unstaffed indoor fitness facilities in Phase 1, based on the below restrictions with one additional restriction - only one person per room. Therefore, in order to reopen... Continue Reading
Advocacy News
Policy Issues and Legal Topics Affecting Multifamily Housing
Find the latest summaries and policy updates for all multifamily housing regulations and policies.
The 2021 state legislature is now in session. Over the next several months policymakers will be deciding some of the most important pieces of legislation in years. Continue Reading
One notable change in the moratorium: housing providers are now able to access rental assistance on behalf of tenants. Continue Reading
Eviction moratorium extended to March 31, 2021 Continue Reading
Washington Multi-Family Housing Association’s (WMFHA) found 85% of statewide apartment homes made a full or partial payment by December 13, 2020. The data was collected from the association’s 267,000 professionally managed homes in the state. Continue Reading
PAH Rent Control Research Presented to State Lawmakers PAH Rent Control Research Presented to State Lawmakers Hi Coalition Members, Last Tuesday, Morgan Shook at ECONorthwest presented the Partnership for Affordable Housing’s rent control report released. Continue Reading
The intense pressures of COVID-19 have exacerbated domestic and family violence, along with addiction and mental health challenges. Continue Reading
Washington Multi-Family Housing Association’s (WMFHA) found 88.6 percent of statewide apartment homes made a full or partial payment by November 13, 2020. The data was collected from the association’s 267,000 professionally managed homes in the state. Continue Reading
The Supreme Court of Washington has authorized the creation of an Early Resolution Program (ERP) for nonpayment of rent cases only. Continue Reading
On Sunday, amid multi-day record breaking positive infection rates, the Governor announced additional restrictions on business activities. These additional restrictions take effect at 11:59 PM on Monday, November 16 and extend through December 14, 2020. Even though the increase in COVID-19 cases... Continue Reading
“We appreciate the investment in rental assistance from the state and King County as well as recent program changes to help support both residents and housing providers. There is more we can do to target protections and assistance to those who are impacted by COVID-19. First, Washington... Continue Reading
Renton, Washington – Washington Multi-Family Housing Association’s (WMFHA) found 88.15 percent of statewide apartment homes made a full or partial payment by October 13, 2020. The data was collected from the association’s 267,000 professionally managed homes in the state. This... Continue Reading