Seattle EDRA and Required Notification Subcommittee Update

Posted By: Ryan Makinster (deleted) Advocacy News,

The Government Affairs Committee (GAC) created two ad hoc subcommittees, the Seattle Economic Displacement Relocation Assistance (EDRA) and Required Notification committees. The EDRA subcommittee is tasked with discussing appeals and implementation of the Economic Displacement Relocation Assistance program while the Required Notification subcommittee is discussing the cost burden created by the required formal notice process for rent increases in Seattle.

The committees recently met to discuss and seek solutions inherent in both programs, whether through future legislative action, or efforts at the administrative level. Members of the EDRA committee discussed frustrations, but also successes they have had with appealing EDRA applications. A main discussion of the notification committee revolved around the substantial cost created by having to formally serve rental notification through “read receipt” mail.  Not only does this create an administrative burden for staff, the substantial cost affects renters through higher rents. Affordable housing providers are especially burdened, with this requirement alone, costing them tens of thousands of dollars a year.

If you have concerns, successes, or examples of your interactions with either of these programs, please contact Ryan Makinster to include your voice in the conversation.