Sawant to Pursue Rent Control Ordinance in Seattle

Posted By: Ryan Makinster (deleted) Advocacy News,

Seattle Councilmember Kshama Sawant is urging her supports to sign a petition to pass rent control in Seattle and is drafting an ordinance so it can be rubber stamped by her Sustainability and Renter’s Rights Committee before moving to the full council.

Although it wouldn’t immediately take affect due to the state pre-emption on local rent control, this is an attempt by her, the Tenants’ Union and others to try and put pressure on the legislature to remove the state pre-emption on local rent control; at which time it would become law. This is also a vehicle to try and push similar legislation in other cities around the Puget Sound region.

WMFHA is following this issue closely and will be sending out an action alert once the ordinance has been filed and we see actual language.