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2024 Legislative Agenda Released
2024 Legislative Agenda Released

At the Government Affairs Committee meeting on December 14th, members voted to adopt our 2024 Legislative Agenda. The document is a high-level policy one-pager intended to guide our advocacy efforts in Olympia, inform our members of our policy positions as well as the public and elected officials.... Continue Reading

Postedby Ryan Makinster (deleted)
Date posted12/18/2023

Shoreline Tenant Protections
Shoreline Tenant Protections

Despite significant opposition from WMFHA members and others in the multifamily housing industry, Shoreline City Council approved a new ordinance on December 11 that established tenant protections for renters in Shoreline. While this wasn’t a win for us, it showcased valuable member... Continue Reading

Postedby Carter Nelson
Date posted12/18/2023

WMFHA Team in Eastern Washington
WMFHA Team in Eastern Washington

Last week, part of the WMFHA team popped over to Spokane to meet with the Executive Council and to celebrate the holidays at the Giving Gala, benefitting Vanessa Behan. It was a productive trip consisting of planning for next year and a very successful Gala, as well as a Day on the Hill pitch. ... Continue Reading

Postedby Carter Nelson
Date posted12/18/2023

Shoreline Tenant Protections
Shoreline Tenant Protections

Shoreline City Council passed tenant protections on December 11, despite significant opposition from housing providers in Shoreline, WMFHA, and other housing associations . This new ordinance establishes new protections for Shoreline tenants, in addition to those already provided under the... Continue Reading

Postedby Carter Nelson
Date posted12/16/2023

Tacoma Landlord Fairness Code Resources Released
Tacoma Landlord Fairness Code Resources Released

The City of Tacoma Landlord Fairness Code Initiative, formerly referred to as Measure 1, went into affect on December 8. The city recently added or updated a number of resources on their site including the required forms. In addition to participating in city and housing provider led meetings... Continue Reading

Postedby Ryan Makinster (deleted)
Date posted12/11/2023

WMFHA Members Meet with Reps. Ramel and Hackney
WMFHA Members Meet with Reps. Ramel and Hackney

On Sunday, November 12, a group of WMFHA members met with Representatives Alex Ramel and David Hackney to discuss solutions to the current housing crisis and to provide feedback on Rep. Ramel’s HB 1389 “Rent Control” legislation. The group represented a broad swath of our... Continue Reading

Postedby Ryan Makinster (deleted)
Date posted11/15/2023

Elections Results
Elections Results

Although election results aren’t officially certified until November 28, for practical purposes all races have been decided. Although the status quo of many councils has been maintained, there are a few changes that should have a significant impact. For example, we know that Seattle City... Continue Reading

Postedby Ryan Makinster (deleted)
Date posted11/15/2023

Olympia Rental Registry Passes Despite WMFHA Efforts
Olympia Rental Registry Passes Despite WMFHA Efforts

Olympia’s City Council heard a proposal for a rental registry and inspection program at their meeting on November 14. Continue Reading

Postedby Carter Nelson
Date posted11/15/2023

Shoreline Tenant Protections - WMFHA Rallies the Troops
Shoreline Tenant Protections - WMFHA Rallies the Troops

Shoreline’s City Council is hearing a proposal for tenant protections at their November 20 meeting. Continue Reading

Postedby Carter Nelson
Date posted11/15/2023

Credential Spotlight - Brittany Taylor, CAM, CAPS
Credential Spotlight - Brittany Taylor, CAM, CAPS

Brittany Taylor, CAM, CAPS, was ALL smiles at the 2023 Emerald Awards as she walked away with Credential Holder of the Year. This isn't the first time either, she also won an Emerald Award in 2021 for Assistant Property Manager of the Year. Currently, she is the Community Director for The Renton... Continue Reading

Postedby Jason Loughridge
Date posted11/1/2023

Burien Update by Deputy Mayor
Burien Update by Deputy Mayor

Deputy Mayor Kevin Schilling recently joined the WMFHA Government Affairs Committee to give an update on the Burien City Council and the state of housing in the city. He highlighted numerous affordable housing projects recently opened or approved, highlighting the success of public/private... Continue Reading

Postedby Ryan Makinster (deleted)
Date posted10/15/2023

FTC Announces Proposed Rule on "Junk" Fees
FTC Announces Proposed Rule on "Junk" Fees

Last week, NAA President and CEO Bob Pinnegar, CAE, informed local GA staff and leadership that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced a notice of public rulemaking, which would prohibit “hidden and falsely advertised fees” and require all-in pricing across industries, including... Continue Reading

Postedby Ryan Makinster (deleted)
Date posted10/15/2023