Guidance on CDC Order Temporarily Halting Certain Evictions Yesterday, the President’s Administration, via an Agency Order filed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the Federal Register, cited a public health emergency to halt residential evictions across the... Continue Reading
We keep you up to date on the latest industry news, trends, legislation, education, and celebrations.
What we don’t need are policies that slash housing creation and living-wage jobs at a time when Washingtonians need it the most. Continue Reading
Rental assistance is now available and accessible in some counties. In order to qualify for the Department of Commerce's Eviction Rent Assistance Program, a tenant must earn 50% AMI or less within the prior 60 days, have at least one month of rent that is unpaid or partially unpaid since March... Continue Reading
Welcome to our newest members! Property Management Companies: Momentum Partners Inc Property Members: CityLine II Encore Vintage at Mt. Vernon Trailside Supplier Partner Members: Intellitonic Pontual Home Maintenance LLC There's a WMFHA App for you! Continue Reading
Living Access Support Alliance (LASA) is now accepting applications for the Lakewood COVID-19 Rent Assistance program. Continue Reading
Renton, Washington – Washington Multi-Family Housing Association’s (WMFHA) found 90.52 percent of statewide apartment homes made a full or partial payment by August 13, 2020. The data was collected from the association’s 267,000 professionally managed homes in the state. This... Continue Reading
This week Governor Inslee updated Guidance related to the use of indoor fitness centers including gyms, fitness studios, and multi-use indoor fitness facilities, etc. The updated Guidance can be found here. This applies to all counties in Phase 2 of the Governor's Safe Start Program. The Guidance... Continue Reading
The state of Washington has allocated $100 million of CARES Act General Relief Funds to rental assistance and the Department of Commerce has set forth guidelines to make this rental assistance available and accessible to tenants and landlords across the state. Below are details of the program.... Continue Reading
Partnership for Affordable Housing conducted a short poll of Washington residents to determine opinions on housing affordability policies and rent control. There is still confusion among residents of what rent control is exactly and what can be done to improve housing affordability other than... Continue Reading
A sweeping package of restrictive new housing laws is sailing through the Auburn City Council that will add to the mounting challenges housing providers are already experiencing as COVID-19 surges back. These laws do not provide residents with critical rental assistance many need to cover their... Continue Reading
Welcome new members! Property Management Companies: Trieste Holdings LLC Redside Partners LLC Properties: Queensborough The Leonard Townhomes at SE Blvd Westwynd Apartments 605-607 N Garden The Reserve at Lacey Harbor Heights Supplier Partner Members: Washington Energy Services ADT Parcel... Continue Reading
Renton, Washington – Washington Multi-Family Housing Association’s (WMFHA) found 91.67 percent of statewide apartment homes made a full or partial payment by July 13, 2020. The data was collected from the association’s 267,000 professionally managed homes in the state. This... Continue Reading