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Strength in Unity
Strength in Unity

Dear WMFHA members,I hope that you, your family, friends, and colleagues are staying positive during these unprecedented times. I want to update you on what we as an association are doing to support you. We rescheduled our March and April events and classes to later in the year. All registrations... Continue Reading

Postedby Jim Wiard (deleted)
Date posted03/25/2020

Housing Providers Doing Everything They Can
Housing Providers Doing Everything They Can

Housing providers are doing everything they can, but a long-term solution is needed to address housing during COVID-19 and beyond. COVID-19 represents a complete shock to Washington’s vital systems, infrastructure, and institutions. The virus is testing our world-class healthcare workers,... Continue Reading

Postedby Brett Waller
Date posted03/25/2020

Mortgage Relief for Multifamily Property Owners
Mortgage Relief for Multifamily Property Owners

Dear valued members,The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) yesterday announced that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Enterprises will offer mortgage forbearance for multifamily property owners, under the condition that they suspend all evictions for renters who are unable to pay rent because of... Continue Reading

Postedby Brett Waller
Date posted03/24/2020

Commitment to Residents
Commitment to Residents

Dear valued member, As the country and multifamily industry face unprecedented challenges due to the outbreak of COVID-19, we are doing all we can to highlight the importance of the industry before lawmakers and make sure they understand they have a responsibility to provide emergency assistance... Continue Reading

Postedby Jim Wiard (deleted)
Date posted03/23/2020


Dear WMFHA members,Today, Governor Inslee announced a shelter-in-place order called Stay Home, Stay Healthy. It goes into effect on Wednesday, March 25 at 5:30 pm. The order does the following: Requires every Washingtonian to stay home unless they need to pursue an essential activity. Bans all... Continue Reading

Postedby Jim Wiard (deleted)
Date posted03/23/2020

Shelter-In-Place Guidance
Shelter-In-Place Guidance

Last night, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Executive Order N-33-20 mandating all individuals living in California to stay home or at their place of residence to protect public health, exempting certain essential services. This is one example of a policy that could be adopted in our state as... Continue Reading

Postedby Brett Waller
Date posted03/20/2020

New Member Report - March 2020
New Member Report - March 2020

Welcome to our new members! Property Management Members: Prospect Property Management LLC Property Members: Landmark Apartments Bellepark East Apts Woodside East Slate Stonemeadow Farms Chapman Manor 420 Sunset Apartments Hillside Apartments La Fountaine Apartments Midlakes Apartments Terrace... Continue Reading

Postedby Jim Wiard (deleted)
Date posted03/19/2020

New Research on Housing Affordability and Rent Control
New Research on Housing Affordability and Rent Control

Washington continues to grow. Our state’s population has exploded by 12 percent in the last decade with no sign of slowing. By 2030, Washington needs nearly 10,000 new apartment homes built annually in addition to other housing types so that everyone who needs a home can access one they can... Continue Reading

Postedby Jim Wiard (deleted)
Date posted03/18/2020

Implementing a Smoke-Free Housing Policy
Implementing a Smoke-Free Housing Policy

While many properties in Washington have already been converted to smoke-free, or have been built recently and adopted smoke-free policies from their inception, there are many other properties that have not yet adopted no-smoking policies in their community. It is clear that residents appreciate... Continue Reading

Postedby Jim Wiard (deleted)
Date posted03/18/2020

Statewide Eviction Moratorium
Statewide Eviction Moratorium

Dear WMFHA members, Today, Governor Inslee announced a statewide eviction moratorium. The Governor's order prohibits rental housing providers from serving a 14-day notice to pay rent or vacate for default payment of rent. Housing providers are also prohibited from issuing a 20-day notice to... Continue Reading

Postedby Brett Waller
Date posted03/18/2020

COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium
COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium

An update on the coronavirus-related government actions. ***update March 18, 2020 - The WA Supreme Court has ordered a stay of all Writs until April 27, 2020. The following cities have enacted eviction moratoria - Seattle, Kenmore, Everett, Woodinville, and King County (sheriff -... Continue Reading

Postedby Brett Waller
Date posted03/17/2020

Emergency Update 3/11/2020
Emergency Update 3/11/2020

Dear WMFHA Members, We have received your inquiries regarding our current and future activities as it relates to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Below is a brief update and a sense of what we are doing and how we are planning for the near future. Our top priority is to help you and your business through... Continue Reading

Postedby Jim Wiard (deleted)
Date posted03/11/2020