And They're Off - The Short Session Sprint

Posted By: Ryan Makinster (deleted) Advocacy News,

The 2024 Legislative Session convened on Monday January 8 and will run for 60 days through March 7 at midnight.  With the short session, everything is starting sooner and moving faster. 491 bills and resolutions were pre-filed in the House and Senate, with the majority of topics outside the scope of our industry, but some are already calling this session the “Year of Housing 2.0”.

Your advocacy team has hit the ground running, ready to work on your behalf with guidance from the WMFHA 2024 Legislative Agenda. In the first week alone there were a number of our priority bills being heard, most important to our industry, a pair of rent control bills in the House and Senate. In addition to rent control a number of other bills have been filed over week 2 and the start of week 3. 

Which is why we will be reaching out with action alerts and requests for engagement a lot over the next 30 days.  

The high priority bills we are working on:

SB 6210 - Eviction Reform (Support)
HB 2114 / SB 5961 - Rent Control (Oppose)
SB 6136 - Rental Property B & O Tax (Oppose)
SB 6064 - Limits Pet Fees/Rents & Deposits (Oppose)
HB 2276 / SB 6191 - REET Increase (Oppose)
HB 2323 / SB 6212 - Requiring Rent Payment Reporting (Oppose)
HB 2161 - Landlord Tenant Enforcement (Oppose)
HB 2308 / SB 6175 - Existing Structures Residential Conversion Incentives (Support)
HB 2033 - Rent Relief Incentive Program (Support)