NAA Click & Lease Forms Update for Washington

Posted By: Ryan Makinster (deleted) Advocacy News,

The NAA Click & Lease Program for Washington will be updated on April 5, 2023 to include the following changes to your lease forms. The Release Notes, which are accessible when logged into your NAA Click & Lease Program, include copies of these upcoming forms.  

Should you have any questions about these changes, please contact NAA.  As always, we recommend you and your local legal counsel review all new and/or updated forms before implementing them into your leasing operations.

New Forms:

  1. 30 Day CARES ACT Notice
  2. 30 Day Notice to Comply or Quit Premises - CARES
  3. 30 Day Notice to Pay Rent or Vacate - CARES
  4. 30 Day Notice to Terminate Tenancy - CARES
  5. 30 Day Notice to Quit - CARES
  6. 30 Day Notice to Quit for Drug-Related Activity - CARES
  7. 30 Day Notice to Quit for Waste Nuisance - CARES

Updated Forms:

  1. Apartment Lease Contract
  2. Student Housing Lease
  3. Single Family Lease Contract
  4. Seattle Apartment Lease Contract
  5. Seattle Student Housing Lease
  6. Seattle Single Family Lease Contract
  7. Washington Apartment Lease Contract for Terms Greater than 1 Year
  8. Seattle Apartment Lease Contract for Terms Greater than 1 Year
  9. Washington Single Family Lease Contract for Terms Greater than 1 Year
  10. Seattle Single Family Lease Contract for Terms Greater than 1 Year
  11. Lease Contract Guaranty