City of Vancouver Considering Two Policies That Will Affect Your Operations

Posted By: Ryan Makinster (deleted) Advocacy News,

The City of Vancouver will be considering two proposals in the coming months that, if passed, will affect your business; a rental registry program and green building codes for multifamily and commercial buildings. 

The green building code update quietly emerged from a workgroup who intends to bring it to the council and push for its passage as soon as possible. The actual code language hasn’t been released, but WMFHA advocacy staff are following the issue closely and will distribute once it is released.

WMFHA Director of Government Affairs, Ryan Makinster represents the industry on the Vancouver Rental Habitability Group. City staff will present final recommendations to the group on Tuesday September 24th.

Makinster will be joining the October 17th Coffee Connection in Vancouver to update attendees on these issues and to answer any questions they may have. He will also be available to discuss other regulatory issues affecting our industry in other areas of SW Washington.