Tacoma City Council Considering Tenant Protection Package

Posted By: Ryan Makinster (deleted) Advocacy News,

Tacoma recently had a work session on proposed “Tenant Protections” legislation. Although it is not currently scheduled for first reading before council, that action is expected to happen at an upcoming council meeting, possibly as early as next week.

Ryan Makinster, Director of Government Affairs, has been participating, for the past year, in a work group that has been discussing the proposal. Through this process Ryan and Jim Henderson, representing the Rental Housing Association of Washington, have highlighted numerous concerns with the proposal as originally contemplated. Although WMFHA is still opposed to the ordinance as proposed, the current version is less onerous and less far reaching than originally envisioned and demanded by tenant advocates. WMFHA will remain active in the discussion with council members and through testimony to highlight the problems with the change as proposed and will continue to petition for a no vote as well as language changes should it pass.

Proposed Code Changes

City Council Study Session (video)

Council Proposal v. Tacoma Initiative Comparison

Tacoma members look for an action alert encouraging you to send in written comments, provide testimony and to reach out to your elected officials regarding this proposal soon.