Spokane City Council Delays Vote on Tenant Protections

Posted By: Ryan Makinster (deleted) Advocacy News,

After hearing from WMFHA, housing providers and industry partners, Spokane City Council delays vote on tenant protection ordinance 36330. With first council discussion at the November, 21 2022 City Council briefing session, the ordinance was on the fast track to be passed at the December 5 City council meeting, however WMFHA staff and members, other associations and the city administration requested the decision be delayed until stakeholder engagement could occur.

Although the process of consideration for tenant protections has been in process for over 3 years, housing provider engagement has been limited and unequal, with little to no outreach in the last two years and no vetting or discussion on this current ordinance as written.  In addition to the lack of engagement concerns highlighted by housing providers and other associations, there are also numerous concerns with the ordinance itself which have received push back from industry during the initial meetings and continue today.

By a vote of 6-1, with Council President Beggs voting against, the second reading and passage of the ordinance has been delayed until the January 23, 2023, council meeting. WMFHA staff with a group of concerned stakeholders and members have requested to participate along with other industry members in the promised stakeholder meetings prior to the January 23 meeting.

“Spokane landlords say they were shut out from city council's tenant rights proposal” (article)
“Spokane council tables controversial tenant rights ordinance” (article)
WMFHA Written Testimony 12.5.22
Updated Ordinance (Beggs) 12.7.22
Cathcart Amendments (not offered yet) 11.28.22

Members doing business or residing in the Spokane City Limits are encouraged to engage through written testimony, outreach to city council members, testimony at the January 23rd meeting or all of the above. In addition please encourage your employees and other business colleagues to get involved.

A special thanks to Tisha Goodman, Rockwood Property Management and Ryan Lewis, Cowles Real Estate for all their hard work on this issue.

Contact Ryan Makinster for more information or to get involved.