Councilmember Kshama Sawant recently proposed an extended ban on evictions pegged to the school year. Continue Reading
All the latest news and updates from WMFHA delivered right to you.
Governor Inslee announced Washington will fully reopen by June 30, 2021, if not sooner when the state reaches a 70% vaccination threshold. Continue Reading
We found 91.5% of statewide apartment homes made a full or partial payment by March 31, 2021. Continue Reading
A week from Monday, April 5, the legislature must pass policy legislation, or it is considered dead for this legislative session. Continue Reading
New data released by King County shows that while the breadth of people behind on rent is historically high, the depth of the challenge may not be as big as many thought. Continue Reading
2020 will certainly be a year to remember, and a year to forget. Continue Reading
You’ve probably seen Jim Winskill or Erin Brewster at a WMFHA event in the past year. But did you ever stop to find out how Catchall Environmental can help save your properties money by maintaining your stormwater systems? Preventative maintenance now could save you a big headache in the future… Continue Reading
The intense pressures of COVID-19 have exacerbated domestic and family violence, along with addiction and mental health challenges. Continue Reading
Rental assistance funds for residents and housing providers impacted by COVID-19 are being made available as part of local CARES Act relief funding. This is positive news for the 1.4 million people experiencing unemployment and the thousands of housing providers who are also struggling to cover cost Continue Reading
When COVID-19 hit Washington, many of HNN’s residents, who are often low-income households, faced job loss or a sudden reduction in income. Continue Reading
What we don’t need are policies that slash housing creation and living-wage jobs at a time when Washingtonians need it the most. Continue Reading
You’re probably wondering, and your residents are asking, when will the pool open? When will the fitness center open? As counties are in different phases, it is important to note what’s open in each phase. While many businesses are open, there remains restrictions on specific... Continue Reading