White House Unveils Tenant Protections Without Progressive Wish List

Posted By: Ryan Makinster (deleted) Advocacy News,

On Januarary 25, the White House announced a new plan to protect renters and promote affordability.

NAA participated in a White House call previewing the Administration’s blueprint for advancing a “renter’s bill of rights,”  an explicit campaign promise from President Biden. This call followed months of engagement between NAA and the White House, alongside other industry organizations. NAA's mission throughout this process was to maintain a seat at the table and ensure that our industry concerns were heard over the demands of housing advocates, which included a host of punitive actions like national rent control.

NAA has always worked with the White House in good faith. NAA made a commitment, which they stand by, to promote industry resident services and practices. From the beginning, NAA emphasized the industry’s opposition to expanded federal involvement in the landlord/tenant relationship. 

NAA is analyzing the plan, which was released in its entirety on January 25th. NAA’s advocacy helped avert an executive order advanced by renters advocates and members of Congress, which would have imposed immediate policy changes possibly including nationwide rent control. NAA's work continues as multiple federal agencies explore housing policy changes on a variety of topics. BNAA will engage in every step of this process and to be successful we will need the full voice and participation of everyone of you. 

WMFHA will stay active in this process and will work with NAA staff to ensure that you are aware of opportunites to enage.