Supplier Support Works - Advocacy in Action

Posted By: Ryan Makinster (deleted) Advocacy News,

Your voice matters, even if you are not sure how your experience can add to the conversation. Case in point, two supplier members Katie Phelan-Chostner, 1UP Floors, and Chris Dukelow, CredHub, knocked it out of their park with their recent testimony in Olympia. Their testimony was instrumental in educating legislators on the effects of two bills under consideration, SB 6064 (Pet Rent/Fees) and SB 6212 (Credit Reporting for On Time Payments). They also informed them, specifically, how the proposed law would work, or in this case not, according to those on the ground doing their specialized work every day.

Due to the efforts of your advocacy team and more importantly, their testimony, both bills died this year with an understanding that the sponsors and the industry will work over the interim to find mutually agreeable solutions on these issues.