Statewide Eviction Moratorium

Posted By: Brett Waller Advocacy News, COVID-19 Resource Center, Industry Trends, WMFHA Updates,

Dear WMFHA members,

Today, Governor Inslee announced a statewide eviction moratorium.  The Governor's order prohibits rental housing providers from serving a 14-day notice to pay rent or vacate for default payment of rent. Housing providers are also prohibited from issuing a 20-day notice to terminate tenancy, unless the housing provider attaches an affidavit attesting that the action is believed necessary to ensure the health and safety of the tenant or other individuals.

Under these measures, law enforcement may not enforce eviction orders based solely on non-payment of rent. This excludes other circumstances, such as the commission of a crime on the premises or nuisance issues.

Additionally, residential landlords would be prohibited from initiating judicial action seeking a writ of restitution involving a dwelling unit if the alleged basis for the writ is the failure of the tenant or tenants to timely pay rent.

We continue to work with our partners to address the financial need of large, medium and small property owners to have rent paid.  At the same time, we are working with Federal, State and local leaders to create financial assistance programs to assist renters in paying their rent.  

We've created a website full of rental assistance resources you can share with residents and continue to update it on a daily basis adding rent resources in more counties.  

Things are changing rapidly related to the COVID-19 outbreak, and WMFHA continues to monitor every emergency order from federal, state and local public leaders.  We will continue to provide updated information to our membership as it evolves and urge our members to also check the following resources:

Centers for Disease Control  |  World Health Organization  |  Washington State Department of Health  |  King County Department of Health

If you have questions, please contact Brett Waller by email or at 425.656.9077.