State Legislative Update - Week 8
It’s the bottom of the 9th inning in Olympia this week. Thursday, March 8 marks the end of the 2018 regular session. Recall last year, the end of the regular session was followed by two special sessions. A repeat of last year seems unlikely this year.
Friday marked the last day either chamber could consider any bill from the opposite chamber. Any bill that survived this session needed to pass the opposite chamber by Friday March 2 at 5:00 p.m.. If the bill did not pass, the bill is considered ‘dead’ for this session. If the bill is considered 'necessary implement the budget,' it remains on life support through the end of the session and may be considered and passed by either House.
The Senate passed an amended source of income bill on Thursday. The House must concur on the amendments followed by the Governor's signature. We're following the next steps closely, but you can read more about the bill in this week's Legislative Report.
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