Partnership For Affordable Housing Regroups and Re-energizes for Legislative Session

Posted By: Ryan Makinster (deleted) Advocacy News,

As WMFHA prepares for the upcoming legislative session which begins January 9, 2023, we know housing and affordability issues will take center stage with lawmakers. Partners for Affordable Housing (PAH), our coalition of organizations with shared interests on housing, is working now to prepare our industry to strategically engage on these critical issues through advocacy.


PAH’s primary focus will be on preventing statewide rent control and tenant protection provisions from advancing through the legislative process. To that end, we have been redefining our organizational structure and management, as well as evolving our ongoing efforts to ensure we are promoting and collaborating on appropriate housing policies in Olympia.

The PAH Board meets regularly and is working to finalize research and analysis on the negative impacts of rent control mandates that have been adopted in other parts of the country. Additionally, PAH is preparing materials to share with elected officials and policymakers during session. We are also reviewing potential public affairs management firms that can help take PAH to the next level and shape how our industry is regarded by the public and in the legislative arena.

If you or your company are interested in learning more about PAH, click here, or contact @Ryan Makinster for additional details on becoming involved in our coalition.