HB 1074 - Landlord Damage Claims

Posted By: Ryan Makinster (deleted) Bills,

Addressing documentation and processes governing landlords' claims for damage to residential premises.

Bill Information

Sponsors:  ThaiMacriSimmonsRyuRamelPetersonLekanoffAlvaradoPolletCortesGregersonKlobaDavisOrmsby

Companion: N/A

Status: Law

What the bill does:

  • Extends the timeline for a landlord to provide a statement and documentation for retaining any portion of a tenant deposit from 21 days to 30 days.
  • Requires a landlord to substantiate the cost of any damages withheld from a tenant deposit with repair estimates, invoices, or other documentation.
  • Prohibits a landlord from withholding any portion of a tenant deposit for certain items.
  • Establishes a three-year statute of limitations (original version was one year) for a landlord to take any action against a tenant to recover sums exceeding the amount of the damage deposit.

Latest Action Alert: N/A

Talking Points: N/A

Notes: N/A