Eastside Business Alliance- Vital partnerships make us stronger

Posted By: Ryan Makinster (deleted) Advocacy News,

The Eastside Business Alliance is the region's most effective organization for electing thoughtful, nonpartisan, pro-jobs leaders on the Eastside. Ryan Makinster, our Director of Government Affairs, sits on the board of the EBA on behalf of WMFHA. Because of our involvement in the EBA, our Government Affairs team has had the pleasure of helping conduct candidate interviews over the past couple of months. We were able to press candidates on their views on issues facing the multi-family housing industry and discuss housing policy ideas, sometimes informing the candidate on obstacles and difficulties our members are currently facing, or how certain policies would hinder their ability to operate.


As we have significant member presence on the Eastside, we see these local races as critical to participate in. Bad policy tends to move like wildfire, and the more we can be involved with our local leaders, the more we can advocate for our member’s needs and priorities and stop harmful proposals from moving forward. 


The collaboration between WMFHA and the EBA is an invaluable asset in advocating for our membership. We have used the information from their candidate questionnaires and interviews to better inform and advise our PAC as they decide who to lend support to in the coming election. Partnerships with organizations such as the EBA are imperative as we work to represent membership all over the state. They help us be more involved and knowledgeable in local municipalities where our members have business. 

You can find the EBA endorsements here. Disclaimerthat these are not WMFHA endorsements, but we have used their process and the intel gathered through this process to inform our PAC who will in turn make the best decisions for our organization. We will be sharing our endorsements following the deliberation of our PAC at the end of the month