Burien Update by Deputy Mayor

Posted By: Ryan Makinster (deleted) Advocacy News,

Deputy Mayor Kevin Schilling recently joined the WMFHA Government Affairs Committee to give an update on the Burien City Council and the state of housing in the city.  He highlighted numerous affordable housing projects recently opened or approved, highlighting the success of public/private partnership projects.

From Deputy Mayor Kevin Schilling:

Burien is open and ready for more construction of housing of all kinds.  In a few months, there will be hundreds of both market rate, lower AMI, and affordable housing becoming available.  Some of these units were through city based tax incentives in opportunity zones, some through the city’s Affordable Housing Demonstration Program, and some through market rate development.  

We’re excited for the new KINECT building to be coming online offering hundreds of market rate units, as well as lower AMI options.  Through the AHDP, the city will see the opening of a DESC development, Habitat for Humanity project for home ownership, and an EcoTHRIVE cottage project. Additionally, the City Council just approved a partnership with Mary’s Place and Mercy Housing to provide new units along transit lines.  

What Burien needs more of, however, is multi family units.   That’s why our Council has focused on providing a development climate that incentivizes the construction of all kinds of multi family units through Transit Oriented Development, within opportunity zones, and within our new Comprehensive Plan adjustments that will follow the new state legislative zoning and lot size changes for increased density and upzoning.

The elections this year are going to be important to ensure that Burien continues to head in the direction of incentivizing more construction, providing incentives for growth and development, and continues to implement innovative partnerships with developers and financiers.