Certified Pool Operator (CPO)
Pools and spas - amenities or liabilities?
Pools and spas can really add to the overall enjoyment of your community. They can be the center of fun and memory-making for your residents. Be sure that these wonderful amenities do not become a dangerous liability for your team and your employer. We offer two opportunities for training as well as resources to keep your team informed.
Upon completion of this two-day intensive course and passing the exam, participants are awarded a 5-year Certified Pool Operator credential.
Topics covered include:
- How to reduce risks in and around the water
- Information to prevent drowning, recreational water illness. suction entrapment, evisceration, diving accidents, electrocutions, chemical hazards, slips, and falls
- Summarized regulatory guidelines
- Disinfection, water balance, water problems, and troubleshooting
- Chemical testing and record-keeping
- Chemical feed and control technology
- Maintenance
- Energy conservation
Basic Pool and Safety Class
This 3.5-hour class is perfect for any service team member, or even other on-site team members who may need to know the basic water testing, treatment and safety practices of pools and spas.